e shtunë, 7 korrik 2007

Birthday Boy

During this past week, as the Country celebrated its Birthday, our oldest son celebrated his as well. It's so hard to believe that Camden turned 5 on July 4th. I know how cliched this sounds, but it literally seems like yesterday when I witnessed his birth. I can vividly remember the pictures we took of him laying on my forearm in his first few weeks of life. And today, he's this independent little boy about to enter through the halls of Kindergarten. Where did the time go?

Camden, I am so proud of you. I know that I often lose my patience with you (because you're as hardheaded as me), but know that I love you and your brother and sister more than life itself. It gives me such a sense of pride and joy to sit back and watch you as you interact with the world. Your spirit and personality bring a warmth to my heart. My prayer is that your mother and I will guide you in the right direction from boyhood to manhood, and that the Lord will take the seeds we plant and make you His Man, a man that serves Him and others with passion and vigor.